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[Case Study] Renovate The Online Ticket Purchasing Wesbite With Microservice Architecture

July 8, 2021

In this case study about the online ticket purchasing website, we will learn more about microservice architecture and how it can leverage the performance of traditional websites designed for paying for tickets online.


Our client is a company providing domestic travel car rental services. Their online ticket purchasing website has been developed for a long time, and it is difficult to upgrade and add more features. A large number of users made the monolithic architecture cannot perform smoothly. The high expense for maintenance and upscaling during peak seasons also motivated this company to upgrade its existing platform.

Therefore, our client came up with 2 main tasks: restructure the entire website, and switch the online backend system, which was built monolithic, to microservice architecture.

Some additional information about the core technologies of the new online ticket purchasing website include:

  • Architecture: Microservice
  • Infra: AWS
  • Backend: Java 8, MyBatis
  • DB: Postgresql, DynamoDB
  • Elastic search
  • Web: JSP, Thymeleaf
  • Task Management: JIRA



VTI managed to renovate our client website with impressive outputs:

  • Switching the website from monolithic to microservice architecture, thus improving the customer experience when making orders/requests online via their website.
  • Develop separate service APIs. With separate APIs, it’s easier for companies to change one part of the website without affecting the rest of it. This can speed up development and deployment cycles and make it easier to respond to user feedback or set up new campaigns.

Advantages when modernizing your online ticket purchasing website with microservice architecture

Any online ticket purchasing website, like e-commerce sites, will have to handle the performance under high traffic time, in order to get the most leads from customers and help them get the best experience when shopping online.

To deal with this problem, companies can consider renovating their website with a microservice architecture. In a microservice architecture, the website will be broken down into smaller, modular services that can be developed and deployed independently. Each microservice is designed to handle a specific task or function within the website, such as ticket search, ticket selection, payment, and more.

Some advantages when adopting microservice architecture in the purchasing website:

  • Greater flexibility and scalability. Because each microservice can be developed and deployed independently, it is easier to modify and update specific parts of the website without affecting the entire system.
  • Improve the overall reliability and resiliency. In a monolithic architecture, a single point of failure can bring down the entire system. However, with a microservice architecture, if one service fails, it does not necessarily impact the entire system, allowing for better fault tolerance.
  • Easy to update. Any updates about the deals, promotions, and new features can be done quickly on the website when switching to microservice architecture.


Why choose VTI to apply AI to defect inspection system for manufacturing

VTI Group is the leading technology and IT service provider based in Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. We provide one-stop AI solutions for business growth to all-scale companies in various industries such as retail, e-commerce, and internet services, and support customers’ business growth through the digital transformation business.

VTI’s seamless migration service empowers businesses with cost-effective and automated solutions. Our years of experience in helping enterprises migrate systems will help you re-engineer your system in a seamless manner without interrupting your daily operations.

If you have any questions about developing and modernizing your online ticket purchasing website, do not hesitate to contact us for more details.


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