BusEye: Bus Operation & Fleet Management System

BusEye: Bus Operation & Fleet Management System

Bus fleet management simultaneously over multiple routes in real time


BusEye is a synchronised Bus Operation & Fleet management system that connects with bus operators, drivers and tracks bus routes remotely

  • Quickly control the status of getting on / off the car
  • Remotely monitor the location information and the moving route of the vehicle in real-time
  • Comprehensively manage route and smartly coordinate buses

Key features

A comprehensive management solution that provides an overview of the entire manufacturing process with 3 modules

Flexibility on premise & Cloud

On - Premise

On - Premise

  • Deployed on customer’s server
  • One-time purchase
  • Self-maintenance according to company policy
  • Maintenance fees required, complicated upgrading process
  • An operation team required
  • Costly IT infrastructure set-up



  • Deployed on VTI's server
  • Recurring charges (affordable intial investment)
  • Continously and regularly operation support by the supplier
  • No maintenance, system upgrade fees required (automatically upgraded functionality
  • No operation team required
  • No cost for IT infrastructure set-up required
  • No exit barrier (serrvice can be stopped flexibly if required)

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