Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
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VTI named Adobe Commerce (Magento) partner

March 28, 2023
VTI is delighted to announce that we are now officially an Adobe Commerce (Magento) partner. As an official partner to various Ecommerce platforms, e.g. Magento, Odoo, we are glad to support EC business and move forward together with retailers into the future. Magento, acquired by Adobe in 2018, is an open-source Ecommerce platform, trusted by [...]

[Case Study] Renovate The Online Ticket Purchasing Wesbite With Microservice Architecture

July 8, 2021
In this case study about the online ticket purchasing website, we will learn more about microservice architecture and how it can leverage the performance of traditional websites designed for paying for tickets online. Description Our client is a company providing domestic travel car rental services. Their online ticket purchasing website has been developed for a long [...]
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