Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
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[Case Study] AI-powered Defect Inspection System: Disk Classification

July 8, 2021
One of the biggest challenges for all manufacturing businesses is maintaining the standard of their products’ quality over time. Some defect classification methods have been applied to improve the quality of each batch. However, many manufacturers or the QA team still cling to manual methods, leading to time-consuming, labor-intensive, and highly error-prone. With the adoption [...]

Animal capture monitoring system

July 8, 2021
Description Develop a system that remotely monitors whether an animal has been captured in a trap using IoT technology. An RF tag is attached to a trap, and when accelerometer or infrared sensors detect animal, it sends a signal to the gateway. The gateway transfers the detected signal to a management server via the Internet. [...]

[Case Study] Renovate The Online Ticket Purchasing Wesbite With Microservice Architecture

July 8, 2021
In this case study about the online ticket purchasing website, we will learn more about microservice architecture and how it can leverage the performance of traditional websites designed for paying for tickets online. Description Our client is a company providing domestic travel car rental services. Their online ticket purchasing website has been developed for a long [...]

Motor vehicle compensation system

July 7, 2021
Description: Building accident management system for motor vehicles and simultaneously integrating with related systems. The system meets hundreds of thousands of records each year. Solutions: The system can handle hundreds of thousands of records each year. Allows the system to run stable and fast with very large data. The synchronization process improves performance when connecting [...]

VTI receive Vinasa Awards

March 19, 2021
On March 19, 2021, VTI Joint Stock Company was honored to receive the Certificate of Excellence from VINASA – Vietnam Software Development Association for its contributions to the development of the software industry, information technology in Vietnam and the activities of the association in the period 2016-2020. Although entering the outsourcing industry for only 3 years, VTI has conquered [...]

Lunar New Year Holiday 2021

February 9, 2021
We would like to inform you about the schedule of the Lunar New Year Holiday 2021 as following: 7days off from Feb. 10th, 2021 to Feb. 16, 2021. We will re-working on Feb. 17th, 2021 VTI Japan Joint Stock Company will operate as usual. As the Lunar New Year has come, VTI wishes you a [...]
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