Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
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Digital Transformation In Retail: Proactive Work Schedule Management

September 1, 2023
The client operated approximately 200 convenience stores. Managers felt like they would inevitably be left behind if they kept on sticking to the old-fashioned way. They, therefore, decided on digital transformation (DX), starting with a new work schedule management system using advanced technology. This case study will give a telling example of digital transformation in [...]

27% Retail Cost Reduction By Developing A New In-House AWS Procurement System

September 1, 2023
The client is a retailer whose documents generated for ordering and inventory management were managed via Excel. A huge amount of data was required to be processed, thus it was easy for those employees unfamiliar with Excel to make mistakes. Cyberattack was also a headache, even with a PIN code in Excel. This case study [...]

Motor vehicle compensation system

July 7, 2021
Description: Building accident management system for motor vehicles and simultaneously integrating with related systems. The system meets hundreds of thousands of records each year. Solutions: The system can handle hundreds of thousands of records each year. Allows the system to run stable and fast with very large data. The synchronization process improves performance when connecting [...]
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