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Retail & Ecommerce

Top 10 Significant Trends Of AI In Retail 2023

August 29, 2023
According to Fortune Business Insights, the market for artificial intelligence (AI) in the retail industry is expected to grow from $4.84 billion in 2021 to $31.84 billion in 2028. In recent years, the AI ​​adoption rate has increased, and many companies chose this cutting-edge technology out of necessity. However, not all companies understand and be ready to [...]

Top 7 Trends In Retail Digital Transformation And Innovation

July 6, 2021
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the trend of retail digital transformation and innovation is accelerating at unprecedented speeds, requiring retailers to build adaptable, composable business models to scale in disruptive environments. The crisis has also made clear the importance of technology to the industry: According to the Gartner 2021 CIO Survey, nearly two-thirds of [...]
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