Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
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Education system for enrollment

July 8, 2021


  • Build a student management system, support enrollment for universities, pre-universities, including:
  • Web application for administrator: With this application the administrator can manage the schools information, support technical issues, commute common functions.
  • Web application for schools: Schools can use this application to post recruitment,  initiate admissions events. Track the number of students attending events, enrollment reports, etc.
  • Migrate services to AWS Cloud service.


  • Proposing to client to follow Incremental model (apply best practices of agile model) to client to assign task according to sprint (7 working days)


  • Web: Backend: FuelPHP, Lavarel
  • Frontend: Vuejs, Reactjs
  • AWS: Severless + Golang
  • Mobile: iOS: Swift 3
  • Android: Java

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