Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
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VTI’s official statement on Covid-19

July 19, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread complicatedly that has crashed economies and broken health-care systems. Humanity and the global economy are facing the effects of the pandemic together. Not an exception, VTI has continued to make appropriate measures to proactively minimize the negative impact on employees, customers and business activities.

VTI always keeps in mind the principles:

1. Ensuring business commitments, information security factors with customers under any circumstances.

2. Caring, supporting health care for employees based on the spirit of Health is the most important.

3. Forestalling, “Prevention is better than cure” and taking the initiative in devising scenarios and actions even in the worst cases in order to maintain production and business activities.

4. Keep an optimistic attitude, but not subjective, alert to the information.

Up to now, VTI has taken specific actions:

1. Establishing of the Covid-19 Prevention Council, with the participation and direction of the CEO – Mr. Tran Xuan Khoi; The Council conducts daily meeting and works actively to respond quickly when problems arise, including adequate technology infrastructure, which is available to respond in urgent situations; being proactive in operation and information security management in case all employees must work remotely.

2. Limiting gathering activities; prioritizing the use of technological equipment in meetings, internal exchanges or with customers; requiring employees to wear a mask when moving in the office.

3. Providing basic health care conditions to prevent spread in the community: providing free medical masks, hand-washing water, alcohol-based hand rubs; body temperature screenings daily for employees to proactively identify cases of signs of infection.

4. Keeping the workplace clean, maintaining disinfectant spray twice a week, wiping door handles and fingerprint scanners once an hour, wiping building elevator buttons every 30 minutes.

5. Disseminating widely and updating continuously necessary information about the epidemic through means of media: poster, standee publications; the Covid-19 Newsletter; email notifications and internal radio newsletters; videos of prevention instructions… so that all employees are fully aware of protecting the health of themselves and those around them.

6. Updating fully and honestly information of the health status and risk of infection from company employees to make appropriate plans.

7. Issuing official documents based on the situation of the epidemic: allowing employees to work remotely providing (1) the permission of the Customer, (2) completing the Commitment to work remotely and (3) ensuring to understand the requirements of Information security according to company rules.

8. Encouraging employees to select, receive objective information from official sources, “each employee is a soldier in the fight against Covid-19″.

As an IT company, we fully understand that information security and prestige are the top factors.

VTI are all striving to maintain a professional working rhythm, while ensuring readiness and calm in any situations.

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